Memories they hope they'll never forget

Memories they hope they'll never forget

Sunday, June 20, 2010

LLLLLake POWELLLL!!! by Toots

Still searching for the pics to go along with this post:-)

Probably my favorite memory of Pops is undoubtedly his least. It was probably one of the best trips to Lake Powell EVER!! There was no need to search for glass because it was everywhere! Besides the fact that I was vacationing with my hot boyfriend, my two other best friends came along as well. Jess kept Curtis (and every one else) entertained while Lizzie kept Heber laughing. Of course Pops and CC came along as well because it's not a party with out them. Besides we needed them there to keep everyone else from accidentally transgressing. The days were spent skiing, taking naps on the house boat and eating CC's delicious Shepherd's Pie (it always tastes so much better when she makes it:-).

One day we decided to head to the dunes. This was my first time ever seeing them and I was quite excited. Little did I know I was about to receive the show of a life time. Throughout the trip Pops would scream "LLLLLAKE" while I answered with a low pitched "POWELLLL." It never got old and we never tired of hearing it yelled across the beautiful lake. Once we reached the sand dunes we started the hike to the top which would inevitably end with a rush back down to the bottom through the hot sand. Pops was the first to go.

We heard a belting "LLLLLAKE POWE........" and then it went silent, except for the sound of Pops tumbling down the steep 100 yard dune. First his glasses came flying off and he kept tumbling. The next thing we saw were CC's skinny little legs rushing down after him. When you're dating a really cute boy that you could potentially marry the last thing you want to do is disappoint his parents. It's probably best to be as polite and cordial as possible but when you are in the company of Jessica Morrow and Lizzie Etherington, not forgetting to mention the three Cannon boys, the giggles are extremely hard to repress.

Try as we may, we held them in but out came the bursts of laughter after we found out Pops was ok. Other than the mission of trying to find his glasses, the damage was pretty minuscule. Probably the only thing hurt was his pride, which would happen to anyone plummeting to the earth at 20 mph. The greatest part of the story is that Pops got right up and skied the rest of the trip. Nothing can stop him from having fun. I love the fact that he walks miles and miles every day. I love that he is energetic and still loves to play any sport. Pops is the epitome of 60 being the new 40. Nothing can get him down, that is, unless it's a 300 foot sand dune lurking on the outskirts of Lake Powell.

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